Immunity Tea with Manuka Honey + Elderberry

Hot water………..……………….1 Cup
Bees & Trees Mānuka honey….1 tsp
Organic Elderberry Syrup………1 tsp.
Turmeric ……………………...… ½ tsp
Cinnamon ……………………... ¼ tsp
Lemon Juice …………………….1 tbsp.
Heat up 1 cup of hot water, add to glass
Add in Bees & Trees Mānuka honey and then pour Wicked Good Elderberry's Organic Elderberry Syrup, cinnamon, turmeric and lemon juice and mix well. Enjoy!
Optional: Best if served chilled. Add in a cinnamon stick if desired. For another healthy option, make our Manuka Honey Gummies recipe next.